Peer Review Process

The Review policy on the Informatics Buffer is as follows :

  1. All articles are submit through OJS Buffer Informatika through the author's account.
  2. Articles are accepted in an approved form, can be revised or rejected.
  3. Manuscripts that have been entered will be read by the editorial board, if the manuscript is deemed appropriate, interesting, in accordance with the focus and scope and in accordance with the format obtained by the informatics buffer, the reviewer will be determined without the need to identify the designated identity or author.
  4. The reviewers selected according to the subject area of the article. Reviewers will review the contents and quality of the manuscript content. The review process uses a double blind review system that requires the writer and the review not to be related to each other.
  5. Suggestions that are approved (and editors) will be submitted to the author, who will be published will have the opportunity to revise the article.
  6. The editors then make a decision with the approval of the review of several questions: rejected, request a major revision, minor revision, or accepted
  7. Manuscripts that are translated as writers for revision can be kept for a maximum of five weeks.
  8. Articles received will die by native English speakers for English Abstracts. Language service fees are currently free.
  9. All articles that will be discussed will be discussed using PlagiarismChecker.