About the Journal

CLIN (CLOUD INFORMATION) is a scientific research journal published by the Information Systems Study Program, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Kuningan. CLOUD INFORMATION scientific journal in the field of business information systems focusing on Business Intelligence, Data Mining, Analyst and Design Information, System Audit, IT Governance, Data Warehouse Cloud Computing. This journal is defined as a system that integrates information technology from research conducted for academics, both lecturers, students or experts and practitioners of Information Technology in expressing ideas in the field of Information Technology and Systems.
The issuance frequency in one year is 2 (two) numbers, namely March and October. Articles that have been declared accepted will be published in the In-Press number before the regular number is published. CLOUD INFORMATION has been indexed by Google Scholar and Garuda and will continue to be updated following developments.

Publisher: Information Systems Study Program, Bachelor's Degree, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Kuningan

Jl. Pramuka No.67, Purwawinangun, Kec. Kuningan, Kabupaten Kuningan, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Nuance Informatics has SN:2614-543X , p-ISSN: 2527-5224