Vol. 10 No. 1 (2024): Buffer Informatika

- Algorithms
- Computer Networks
- Games
- Software Engineering
- Mobile Applications
- Artificial Intelligence
- Image Processing
- Computer Graphics
- Robotics
- Data Mining and other Information Technology.
- Print published : p-ISSN :2527-4856. SK No. 0005.25274856/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2016.05. September 19 2016 (start 2016-09-04).
- Online published : e-ISSN : 2614-5413. SK No. 0005.26145413/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2018.01 - 25 Januari 2018 (mulai edisi Vol. 3, No. 2, April 2018).
We invite the researchers (include lecturer and students) for submite the research paper to our journal through : https://journal.fkom.uniku.ac.id/buffer
Publisher : Department of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science, Kuningan University.
Mailing : FKOM UNIKU Building, Department of Informatics Engineering, Pramuka Street, No. 67. Kuningan Sub District, Kuningan Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia, Postal Code 45513
Rancang Bangun Game Edukasi Pengenalan Jenis Bilangan Berbasis Android Menggunakan Algoritma Linear Congruent Method (LCM)
Implementasi Augmented Reality Pada Materi Pembelajaran Fotosintesis Menggunakan Metode Kirsch Untuk Deteksi Marker
Implementation of the Base64 Algorithm on the Authenticity of QR-Code Based Moringa Leaf Tea and Oil Products Implementasi Algoritma Base64 Pada Keaslian Produk Teh dan Minyak Daun Kelor Berbasis QR-Code
Klasifikasi Produktivitas Pekerja Garmen Menggunakan Algoritma Random Forest Classification of Garment Worker Productivity Using Random Forest Algorithm
Implementasi Augmented Reality Untuk Pembelajaran Siklus Air Menggunakan Metode Kirsch