Analisis Pengalaman Pengguna dengan Metode System Usability Scale dan User Experience Questionnaire pada Aplikasi Kampus Gratis
System Usability Scale, User Experience Questionnaire, Analysis, User ExperienceAbstract
Kampus Gratis application is a mobile application created by the team at PT Menara Indonesia (M-Knows Consulting) for students. This mobile application is designed to provide easy access to learn for participants without conditions. However, this application is still in the final launching stage within the company. Considering that the Kampus Gratis application is relatively new, no formal review or evaluation has been conducted to assess the extent to which the application can meet the needs and feasibility of users. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent of the usability level of the Kampus Gratis application based on effectiveness, efficiency, and user satisfaction. As well as knowing the level of user experience based on attractiveness, perspicuity, efficiency, dependability, stimulation, novelty in the Kampus Gratis application. This Study managed to collect a sample of 44 respondents using random sampling techniques. The data analysis method applied is quantitative analysis with validity and reliability testing. The result at the usability level shows that the Kampus Gratis application provides a fairly good level of satisfaction, effectiveness and efficiency for its users. While the result at the user experience level based on the variables of attractiveness (1.18), dependability (1.31), stimulation (1.20), novelty (0.77) get above average categories. However, for perspicuity (1.06) and efficiency (0.94) variables get a category below average.
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